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Merida W - Bass Trap HP

Absorption coefficient


Low frequency treatment range: 45 Hz to 125 Hz

High Efficiency bass trap

Fixing System: Mechanical
Dimensions: 595x595x129mm


A innovative bass trap.

When we think about acoustic treatment we usually focus on the midrange and upper frequencies. However, a proper acoustic treatment also involves low frequencies, especially when you consider smaller rooms.
The main sources of acoustical problems in home cinemas or living rooms are the sound of bass instruments with a lot of echo that inevitably bounce throughout the room, or movie dialog that is difficult to understand at low volumes. With Merida W bass trap HP you get a premium High Performance acoustic treatment able to correct low end frequencies and forms various artistic patterns when mounted.


Double Membrane Bass Trap

Made from wood, from a sustainable and renewable source, it's unique design is a welcome addition to any space.

Pressure, velocity plus Helmholtz bass trap

High Efficiency bass trap.

Fixing System: Mechanical
Dimensions: 595x595x129mm


Double Membrane Bass Trap.

A  innovative bass trap.


Finishing Material:

Wood FG  (Furniture grade)


Fire rate classification:

FG | Furniture Grade Class


Acoustic performance:

Absorption range | 45Hz to 125 Hz

Tuned Frequency: 60 Hz



Dim. | 595x595x129mm

Weight | Kg*

Units per box | 2

Box Weight | Kg*


Installation - Mechanical

Packing Dimensions - 640x385x640mm

* Approximate weight

Download : Technical File

Choose your Finish:


Blanc FG

Cerise FG
Cerise FG

Marron FG

Marron FG

Noir FG

Noir FG

Rouge FG

Rouge FG

Wenge FG

Wenge FG

  1. Verona W - Bass Trap 2.0

  2. Merida W - Bass Trap HP

  3. Verona W - Bass Trap HP

  4. Komodo W - Bass Trap HP

  5. Merida W - Bass Trap 2.0

  6. Komodo W - Bass Trap 2.0

  7. Eiger Tuneable Bass Trap

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